
Waking up a sleep brand through clean creative visuals


Founded in 1980 as a cosmetics company, Natrol evolved over the past several decades into one of the most recognized name brands in the Vitamin, Mineral and Supplement category, helping to form what is now titled the “Nutraceuticals” industry. Natrol is considered a pioneer in formulating food into medicinal supplements for better health and wellness.


Shortly after a new CEO and a new Marketing Director were installed, management wanted to bring a new creative leader onboard to guide the creative strategy, correct oversights, improve processes and create efficiency for the creative department.


I quickly worked to correct oversights and add efficiencies to the processes. I implemented a robust, cloud-based, creative project management platform, Adobe Workfront, that improved collaboration, reduced change rounds, and became invaluable with the shift to remote workspaces during the COVID-19 pandemic.

I also refocused, revitalized, and mentored the creative team to produce more effective creative deliverables, while removing external obstacles so the team could focus on boosting creative concepts. The main focus was to provide clean designs that delivered on marketing goals and performed in the marketplace.

Upper management was impressed by the improvements I delivered for the creative department and the stepped-up design concepts, especially for the new innovation products. Under my creative leadership, the improved creative had started to translate into sizable increases in a sales lift on Amazon, the direct-to-consumer website, and overall top-line sales growth on-shelf.


Creative Direction, Conceptual Design, Branding, Package Design, Graphic Design, Web Design, Illustration, Photography, Social Media, Team Management

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